copper safety wristwatch with copper bracelet ,shielded by the electromagnetic fields and waves of the inside battery.Only one in the world .
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Copper wristwatch with copper bracelet ,shielded by the electromagnetic fields and waves thrown out by all the batteries inside like the mobilephones that have not yet recognized harmless by the scientists.Myota/Citizen Movement Recently some worries rose by men of science (mainly of World Health Organisation and AIRC, Italian Association for Cancer Research) and people, regarding electrosmog and electromagnetic waves and fields body absorption.In fact electrical household appliances, working by electric current or by battery, emit electromagnetic waves and fields, in particular televisors ,phones,as also electric low and high voltage lines, radio and television antennas, mobile phones antennas and mainly mobile phones itselves and watches continuosly in contact of our body so that they may affect metabolism and body functions, whose cells include electrons as electric charges(headache, insomnia, stress, leaving eventual more serious sickness out of consideration).
We must consider that striking mechanism of watch, emits electromagnetic waves and fields for a longer time in comparison with mobile phones, even if with less energy, because mobile phone is used for few minutes in a day, instead watch remains in contact of wrist, skin and below internal veins for the whole day and often also for the whole night. Some national laws were issued as prevention, that impose electrosmog limits where people live or work(max:0,2 microtesla).
cleverest consumer likes better to save his health, by preventing eventual risks not yet defined(as amianthus).
So it is cleverest avoiding when possible, as in this case, these electromagnetic waves and fields of watch battery !!!